Aecht Schlenkerla Marzen 16.9oz Bottle

Original 16.9 oz Available
Aecht Schlenkerla Marzen 16.9oz Bottle
* Actual product may differ from image.
16.9 oz
Bamberg's speciality, a dark, bottom fermented smokebeer, brewed with Original Schlenkerla Smokemalt from the Schlenkerla maltings and tapped according to old tradition directly from the gravity-fed oakwood cask in the historical brewery tavern. Served/Sold: All year round from the wooden barrel at the historical brewery tavern. In kegs in some taverns in and around Bamberg. In bottles available at selected retailers in Germany, Export to EU- and worldwide, taverns and in the Schlenkerla-Webshop. In partykegs (5 litres) at the Schlenkerla Shop, selected retailers and in the Webshop. Data: Original gravity: 13.2% Alcohol: 5.1% Bitterness: 30
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